News Release
First $50,000 Bennett Prize goes to Tampa artist Aneka Ingold
Prestigious prize raises profile of women figurative realist painters
Prestigious prize raises profile of women figurative realist painters
In collaboration with Steven Alan Bennett, Dr. Elaine M. Schmidt, and The Pittsburgh Foundation, the Muskegon Museum of Art is honored to present the Rising Voices: The Bennett Prize for Women Figurative Realist Painters, the inaugural award and exhibition for The Bennett Prize.
WKTV Journal
John Dalton reports: "Just a quick little announcement to let you know I will be at the award ceremony for the announcement of the winner of the Bennett Prize in Muskegon on May 2nd. So if you were thinking of coming along to support the ten finalists and the ten honorable mentions and to support the whole initiative in general, well now you have another reason. I’ll be there."
Gently Does It, a podcast by John Dalton
More than 600 painters applied, and now the contest comes down to 10. Aneka Ingold, a Tampa painter, could win the $50,000 Bennett Prize, awarded to women figurative realist painters.
Creative Loafing Tampa
Watch the interview at FACE 2018
The Bennett Prize is a $50,000 biennial art prize established by American art collectors Steven Alan Bennett and Dr. Elaine Melotti Schmidt.
Issue 159 | January 2019 - Art collectors Steven Bennett and Elaine Melotti Schmidt created the first-ever prize for women figurative artists. After 647 entrants, we are pleased to announce the 10 finalists.
American Art Collector
Ten finalists were recently announced for the $50,000 Bennett Prize, the largest art award offered solely to women painters
Fine Art Connoisseur
Associate Professor Stefanie Jackson has been named one of 10 women from across the country who paint in the figurative realist style were named finalists for the Bennett Prize. The $50,000 Prize is the largest art award ever offered solely to women painters. The 10 were selected from among 647 entrants.
University of Georgia - Lamar Dodd School of Art