Michelle was a 2018 Bennett Prize honorable mention.
Bennett Prize finalist Kira Nam Greene's website
Today 10 women from across the country who paint in the figurative realist style were named finalists for the $50,000 Bennett Prize, the largest art award ever offered solely to women painters.
Muskegon Museum of Art
PITTSBURGH, Pa. Nov. 15, 2018 – Today 10 women from across the country who paint in the figurative realist style were named finalists or the $50,000 Bennett Prize, the largest art award ever offered solely to women painters.
The Bennett Prize will spotlight women artists who paint in the figurative realist style, and who have not yet reached full professional recognition – both new artists and those who have painted for many years.
Art League blog
Live wedding painter talks about current projects, entering the Bennett Prize, commission work for patrons through patreon, seeking Utility Box Art programs like the SLO Box Art movement.
Atascadero on Youtube