Amy Werntz is obsessed with time, of the fear of its passing and the feeling of not living in the correct moment. This passion plays out in her art, explored through translated vintage black and white photographs that bring forward the past to her current work, which seeks to capture the seemingly insignificant moments of everyday life. Her meticulously crafted and highly realistic figures are isolated from the environment. They are the only story and their features, gestures, clothing and props offer the only cues to narrative. Werntz leaves the viewer to fill in the details from their own life experience, to create a story from their history and perhaps to see the importance of every life in a society that is often too fascinated with the lure of youth.
Werntz is a practicing painter and interior designer, with a BFA in interior design from the Art Institute of Dallas, Texas. Her paintings have been exhibited widely in Texas and in group shows in Wausau, Wisconsin and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She has received recognition and numerous awards for her portraits from the Portrait Society of America and took first place in the Richeson 75 International Art Competition Portrait/Figure category in 2020.
Amy Werntz is based in Dallas, Texas.
Instagram: @amywerntz_art