Chloe Chiasson utilizes her sculptural, collaged and mixed media paintings as a metaphor for the construction and deconstruction of the dominant cultural structures surrounding gender identity, expression and sexuality. She specifically addresses the space of the “in between,” of falling outside of traditional dualities of masculinity and femininity and sexuality and its expression. In breaking apart the picture plane and reassembling it with various “incomplete” fragments that combine into a fluid whole, Chiasson embraces her queerness to explore identities unconstrained by the worlds they inhabit.
Chiasson holds a bachelor’s from the University of Texas at Austin and a MFA in Fine Arts from the New York Academy of Art in New York City. She is a recipient of the New York Academy of Art Merit Scholar Award and the Buddy Taub Scholar Award, the 2018 Belles Artes Residency in Mexico City, Mexico, and the 2019 Chubb Post-Graduate Fellowship of the New York Academy of Art. Her work has appeared in group shows in New York City and London, at Art Basel Miami Beach and in Potsdam, Germany (upcoming). She has been featured in New American Paintings, Artnet news and Juxtapoz magazine.
Chloe Chiasson currently resides in Brooklyn, New York.
Instagram: @chloechiasson
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chloechiassonart